山东章丘市宇龙机械有限公司(济南中鲁新能源有限公司)www.kelijizu.com座落在山东省会济南开发区东,临近瓷都淄博,南北接壤309国道与老济青高速,紧靠济南遥墙国际机场,地理位置优越,交通环境便利,文化底蕴敦厚,是能源设备的重要生产基地。 宇龙机械是集科研开发、制造安装、国际贸易为一体的科技型龙头企业。主要有木屑颗粒机、木屑制粒机、生物质颗粒机、锯末颗粒机、木糠颗粒机、锯末制粒机、秸秆颗粒机、燃料颗粒机、树皮颗粒机、饲料颗粒机、颗粒饲料机、饲料制粒机、有机肥造粒机、圆球造粒机、有机肥搅拌机、木片机、PVC发泡板粉碎机、PVC磨粉机等产品,都已通过有关部门的技术鉴定和认可,在市场享有良好口碑。 2001年在中华环保联合会、山农大、山东农机化研究所的协作下,引进德国技术,凭借先进工艺与科学管理,研制开发了木屑制粒、生物质造粒等新型能源设备,特别是环模平放、自动注油离心高效木屑颗粒机机由于结构独特,压力大、能耗小、效率高,通过了专利,产品迅速覆盖全国市场。宇龙产品远销欧洲、南美地区,并在印度、匈牙利、澳大利亚、埃及等设置总代理,深受国内外用户的青睐。 章丘市宇龙机械有限公司(济南中鲁新能源有限公司)是生物质颗粒机、木屑颗粒机国际贸易优质供应商,质检总局质量抽查合格单位,消费者信得过企业,公司已获得CE认证。


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    Our website has opened!

    Our main business "木屑颗粒机;生物质颗粒机;锯末颗粒机;稻壳颗粒机;树皮颗粒机;燃料颗粒机;木屑粉碎机;PVC粉碎机;饲料颗粒机;木屑制粒机;有机肥颗粒机;木屑烘干机" and other products. Company respected "practical, hard work, responsibility spirit of enterprise, and to integrity, win-win, creating business ideas, to create a good business environment, with a new management model, perfect technology, attentive service, excellent quality of basic survival, we always adhere to customer first intentions to serve customers, persist in using their services to impress clients.

    welcome new and old customers to visit our company guidance, my company specific address is: 章丘市绣惠镇杜洪李村北.

    If you are interested in our products or have any questions, you can give us a message, or contact us directly, we will receive your information, will be the first time in a timely manner contact with you, we sincerely hope to cooperate with all friends, future hand in hand, sharing successful results!

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  • 李清河
  • 13969070750
  • 0531-83483672
  • 0531-83483378
  • www.kelijizu.com
  • 250201
  • 章丘市绣惠镇杜洪李村北